The amazing benefits of gardening
The Cosmos Queen receives a dahlia and some amazing benefits of gardening My dear friend, the Cosmos Queen, who first appeared in the post Greatest benefits of becoming a gardener visited my garden once the pandemic lockdown had ended. Racing across to this flower, her questions rushed out……. what is this flower? How did you…
How to grow cosmos for pollinators
How to grow cosmos for pollinators and for months of beautiful flowers Cosmos seeds are a half hardy annual flower which means they will not survive a frost. Seeds can be sown in a greenhouse or sunny windowsill between February and April. Similarly, they can be sown directly into the garden or into pots when…
Sowing bee beautiful hardy annuals
Now is a great time to sow some hardy annual seeds. These are flowers that will germinate, grow, flower and die in one year. They can be sown straight into the ground from late March onwards which is the reason they are called hardy annuals as opposed to half-hardy annuals which cannot tolerate frost. Check…
A powerful gardening for wellbeing story
Flower Power The facts are well known that gardening can benefit the mind, body and soul and harnessing the power of gardening can improve our mental health and wellbeing. Read on for a gardening for wellbeing story. In 2021, the RHS released research that revealed that people who garden every day have wellbeing scores 6.6% higher and…
Wonderful powers of a flower
Why growing flowers is good for your health and the wonderful powers of a flower. It is a well known fact that gardening can benefit the mind, body and soul. Therefore, we should all harness the power of gardening to improve our mental health and wellbeing. Read on to find the wonderful powers of a…
8 benefits of beautiful cosmos flowers
For me, cosmos flowers represent harmony with nature and the Greek word Kosmos stands for harmony and order. No wonder I love the beautiful cosmos flowers so much. Other words often linked to them are tranquility, peace, love, joy, beauty, and serenity. I could go on and on and on here…………… The usual annual cosmos…
12 of the best dahlias for pollinators
I absolutely love dahlias, especially the best dahlias for pollinators. For their sheer beauty, flamboyance, and charm, they are a fabulous choice for your garden. Out of the various flower types, the pollinators need the single flowered, the anemone, the collarette and the star dahlias (also called single orchid) for easy access to nectar. …