A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

Tag: honesty

  • Beautiful biennial flowers, blooms and seeds

    Beautiful biennial flowers, blooms and seeds

    I thought I would share some photos of my beautiful biennial flowers blooming in my garden in June. Not only do they look fabulously colourful, they are a treat for the pollinators too. Moreover, June and July is the perfect time to be sowing biennials for next year’s blooms. Biennials are flowers that are sown…

  • 12 Days Wild, into the New Year

    12 Days Wild, into the New Year

    Happy New Year to you all. Here’s to the second half of 12 Days Wild, and may it be full of exciting wildlife, over these final six days and over the coming year. 12 Days Wild is the festive nature challenge, encouraging us to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January each year. …