A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

Tag: Gardening for wellbeing

  • Colourful dahlia beds for a beautiful summer

    Colourful dahlia beds for a beautiful summer

    Time for another post featuring my dear friend, the Cosmos Queen. She has worked jolly hard on her new dahlia beds and is now reaping the rewards of all that effort. We first met under incredibly sad circumstances over five years ago. Sadly, her much loved husband had passed away. As we got to know…

  • Beautiful biennial flowers, blooms and seeds

    Beautiful biennial flowers, blooms and seeds

    I thought I would share some photos of my beautiful biennial flowers blooming in my garden in June. Not only do they look fabulously colourful, they are a treat for the pollinators too. Moreover, June and July is the perfect time to be sowing biennials for next year’s blooms. Biennials are flowers that are sown…

  • Companion gardeners, some of the best

    Companion gardeners, some of the best

    For this post I have chosen some of my fabulous companion gardeners who assist me in my garden and in Favolosa, my greenhouse. The above photo shows Tansy Teapot on my knee, Pickle Pixie Pantaloon and my beautiful black cat, Remus Nautilus. Naturally, their assistance is coupled with plenty of fun and frolics of the…

  • The Cosmos Queen and her beautiful garden

    The Cosmos Queen and her beautiful garden

    Time for a new post featuring my lovely friend, the Cosmos Queen. She has been a busy bee, making a beautiful garden, packed with flowers. You may have met the Cosmos Queen in some earlier posts. I have added a link below, for her most recent post. The awesome power of the garden We first…

  • The beautiful diversity of wildlife ponds

    The beautiful diversity of wildlife ponds

    A wildlife pond is one of the best things we can have in our gardens. I have four wildlife ponds in my garden, and they are always brimming full with wildlife. So, do you have a wildlife pond, or would you like to grab your spade and dig one? Of course, a pond can be…

  • Beautiful blooms in an English garden

    Beautiful blooms in an English garden

    Time for some colourful flowers I thought. So, here is a post on some beautiful blooms in my English garden. I will concentrate on summer blooms. Primarily because I am sure we are all looking forward to a sunny summer over the wet and gloomy depths of winter. In addition, we clearly need some fabulous…

  • My colourful dahlias, beautiful summers to come

    My colourful dahlias, beautiful summers to come

    Some dark and dreary days need a sprinkle of colour I thought. So, here are some of my colourful dahlias to brighten up the winter, once the Christmas tinsel has been stored away. Also, to help us look forward to a beautiful summer full of colour. I always find that looking at photos of my…

  • One festive challenge, 12 Days Wild

    One festive challenge, 12 Days Wild

    12 Days Wild is a festive nature challenge set by the Wildlife Trust. Encouraging us to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. So, could you do one wild thing for 12 days over the festive season?   You may remember The Wildlife’s Trust’s 30 Days wild challenge where they asked everyone to…

  • Gardening for wellbeing with beautiful sunflowers

    Gardening for wellbeing with  beautiful sunflowers

    I thought it would be good to share some beautiful sunflowers on this post. Such gorgeous smiley happy faces which make us smile in return. I love sunflowers in my garden for many reasons. One of which is their incredible benefits for wildlife. Both for the pollinators and for the birds. Secondly, the fantastic boon…

  • Tulip time for a beautiful spring

    Tulip time for a beautiful spring

    Finally, it is tulip time so bulb planting tools, dibbers or trowels at the ready. November is the best time to start planting out tulip bulbs, as the temperatures start to cool. However, if you have not got your bulbs yet, it is not too late. A December planting will be fine, and I often…

  • Gardening with chickens, more fantastic fun

    Gardening with chickens, more fantastic fun

    I thought it was time for another post featuring my beautiful rescue hens. Moreover, the girls have been posturing and posing, so they are clearly expecting to feature again, jolly soon. Such fantastic fun can be had when gardening with chickens. I must say, my girls never cease to amuse me with their cheeky antics.…

  • Beautiful enchanting dahlias chosen for you

    Beautiful enchanting dahlias chosen for you

    For this post I have chosen some of my favourite dahlias, including some new varieties I have grown this year. Beautiful enchanting dahlias, one and all. When autumn arrives, it is still fabulous to have so much colour in the garden. Such a boost for wellbeing. And of course, the beautiful dahlia is often the…

  • Gardening for wellbeing, a beautiful beneficial boon

    Gardening for wellbeing, a beautiful beneficial boon

    My opening photo for this post is a beautiful sunflower (Velvet Queen) in my garden with a bee. Gardening for wellbeing for me always includes some sunflowers. I always think that sunflowers are such a positive, happy flower to grow. Additionally, they are fabulous for wildlife. Providing nectar and pollen for our bees, butterflies and…

  • Beautiful rescue chickens get gardening for England

    Beautiful rescue chickens get gardening for England

    After Remus Nautilus, my beautiful black cat featured in another post (link below if you missed it) my beautiful rescue chickens were clucking for their new post. And honestly, they can cluck for England. The beautiful black cat who gardens for England So, I thought I would compile a new post featuring my fabulous rescue…

  • The fabulous positivity of beautiful plants

    The fabulous positivity of beautiful plants

    I have been thinking about the amazing and positive can do attitude of beautiful plants. They strive to grow, whatever fate throws at them. Take the example above. I ordered a beautiful new dahlia from Sarah Raven. This one is named Rosie Raven and is perfect for pollinators as well as being a fabulous colour.…

  • The Chief Gardener grows a tasty fruit feast

    The Chief Gardener grows a   tasty fruit feast

    You may remember the Chief Gardener from earlier posts. The first post featured a much loved friend’s lovely husband. He had been going through a horrid time in 2021 and really needed a pick me up. He discovered gardening! Here is his story A powerful gardening for wellbeing story The facts are well known that…

  • The awesome power of the garden

    The awesome power of the garden

    You may have met my dear friend, the Cosmos Queen, in some earlier posts. Links below if you missed them. Well, here she is again, demonstrating the awesome power of the garden. Greatest benefits of becoming a gardener The amazing benefits of gardening The Cosmos Queen’s beautiful dahlias We first met under incredibly sad circumstances…

  • The Cosmos Queen’s beautiful dahlias

    The Cosmos Queen’s beautiful dahlias

    Remember the Cosmos Queen? Well, read on for her interest in beautiful dahlias. We first met under incredibly sad circumstances over four years ago. Sadly, her much loved husband had passed away. As we got to know each other, I mentioned my garden, as I knew the benefits of gardening for our wellbeing. With this in…