A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

Tag: Dahlias

  • First beautiful dahlias, flowering in May

    First beautiful dahlias, flowering in May

    I thought I would share some photos of beautiful dahlias that have started flowering in May in my garden. Interestingly, almost all of them are single, anemone or collarette varieties. Therefore, they are all great for pollinators, as well as providing some beautiful colour in the garden in late Spring. I imagine that the big…

  • The best flowers for fantastic pollinators

    The best flowers for fantastic pollinators

    For this post, I have chosen some of my best flowers for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. We have pollinators to thank for so much of what we eat. Not only do they pollinate our food crops, they are also vital for plenty of wild plants that in turn, support so much wildlife. Naturally, we…

  • The Cosmos Queen and her beautiful garden

    The Cosmos Queen and her beautiful garden

    Time for a new post featuring my lovely friend, the Cosmos Queen. She has been a busy bee, making a beautiful garden, packed with flowers. You may have met the Cosmos Queen in some earlier posts. I have added a link below, for her most recent post. The awesome power of the garden We first…

  • Beautiful blooms in an English garden

    Beautiful blooms in an English garden

    Time for some colourful flowers I thought. So, here is a post on some beautiful blooms in my English garden. I will concentrate on summer blooms. Primarily because I am sure we are all looking forward to a sunny summer over the wet and gloomy depths of winter. In addition, we clearly need some fabulous…

  • My colourful dahlias, beautiful summers to come

    My colourful dahlias, beautiful summers to come

    Some dark and dreary days need a sprinkle of colour I thought. So, here are some of my colourful dahlias to brighten up the winter, once the Christmas tinsel has been stored away. Also, to help us look forward to a beautiful summer full of colour. I always find that looking at photos of my…

  • One beautiful dahlia for pollinators

    One beautiful dahlia for pollinators

    I have one extra special dahlia in my garden to share with you. An absolutely fabulous dahlia for pollinators. Naturally, I have hundreds of photos of this fantastic dahlia. So many snaps of the beautiful blooms with bumble bees and butterflies having a feed. The photo above shows some hoverflies having a feed in late…

  • Beautiful enchanting dahlias chosen for you

    Beautiful enchanting dahlias chosen for you

    For this post I have chosen some of my favourite dahlias, including some new varieties I have grown this year. Beautiful enchanting dahlias, one and all. When autumn arrives, it is still fabulous to have so much colour in the garden. Such a boost for wellbeing. And of course, the beautiful dahlia is often the…

  • The best dahlias, my dark sultry beauties

    The best dahlias, my dark sultry beauties

    Time to show you some of my beautiful dark dahlias, the best dahlias in my garden. Although I love all of my dahlias, the dark, sultry beauties are my absolute favourites. Primarily, it is the colour I swoon over, but I also love the variety of flower shapes and sizes of the dark and sultry…

  • 10 zingy dahlias for a truly beautiful garden

    10 zingy dahlias for a truly beautiful garden

    Time for some bright and zingy dahlias, so be warned and get your sunglasses at the ready! I have not grown many bright dahlias before, preferring the dark and sultry and the pale and interesting. However, this year, I have branched out into the world of bright, zingy, patterned, and oh so colourful. A new…

  • The fabulous positivity of beautiful plants

    The fabulous positivity of beautiful plants

    I have been thinking about the amazing and positive can do attitude of beautiful plants. They strive to grow, whatever fate throws at them. Take the example above. I ordered a beautiful new dahlia from Sarah Raven. This one is named Rosie Raven and is perfect for pollinators as well as being a fabulous colour.…

  • The fantastic wildness of magic week 3

    The fantastic wildness of  magic week 3

    My post Wild things for gardeners, bee beautiful set a challenge for June. And I looked forward to the fantastic wildness I would see in the 30 Days Wild challenge. 30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge where they ask everyone to do one wild thing a day throughout the month of June. More details…

  • The Cosmos Queen’s beautiful dahlias

    The Cosmos Queen’s beautiful dahlias

    Remember the Cosmos Queen? Well, read on for her interest in beautiful dahlias. We first met under incredibly sad circumstances over four years ago. Sadly, her much loved husband had passed away. As we got to know each other, I mentioned my garden, as I knew the benefits of gardening for our wellbeing. With this in…

  • The amazing benefits of gardening

    The amazing benefits of gardening

    The Cosmos Queen receives a dahlia and some amazing benefits of gardening My dear friend, the Cosmos Queen, who first appeared in the post Greatest benefits of becoming a gardener visited my garden once the pandemic lockdown had ended. Racing across to this flower, her questions rushed out……. what is this flower? How did you…

  • 12 of the best dahlias for pollinators

    12 of the best dahlias for pollinators

    I absolutely love dahlias, especially the best dahlias for pollinators. For their sheer beauty, flamboyance, and charm, they are a fabulous choice for your garden. Out of the various flower types, the pollinators need the single flowered, the anemone, the collarette and the star dahlias (also called single orchid) for easy access to nectar.  …