A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

Tag: borage

  • The best flowers for fantastic pollinators

    The best flowers for fantastic pollinators

    For this post, I have chosen some of my best flowers for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. We have pollinators to thank for so much of what we eat. Not only do they pollinate our food crops, they are also vital for plenty of wild plants that in turn, support so much wildlife. Naturally, we…

  • Sowing bee beautiful hardy annuals

    Sowing bee beautiful hardy annuals

    Now is a great time to sow some hardy annual seeds. These are flowers that will germinate, grow, flower and die in one year. They can be sown straight into the ground from late March onwards which is the reason they are called hardy annuals as opposed to half-hardy annuals which cannot tolerate frost. Check…