A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

One beautiful dahlia for pollinators

Image shows honeybees on my dahlia in November

I have one extra special dahlia in my garden to share with you. An absolutely fabulous dahlia for pollinators.

Naturally, I have hundreds of photos of this fantastic dahlia. So many snaps of the beautiful blooms with bumble bees and butterflies having a feed.

The photo above shows some hoverflies having a feed in late November.

Furthermore, the honeybees are pretty keen on this dahlia too.

In addition, this dahlia is a wow in my flower border with her zingy bright pink blooms.

Also, a turbo charged dahlia that blooms from May until the first frosts every year.

As I type this post, this beauty is still flowering. And, it is almost the end of November.

My best dahlia for pollinators

Image shows my best dahlia for pollinators in my garden
Best dahlia for pollinators in October

My next photo shows several blooms in early September. First from the right, there is a fabulous red admiral butterfly.

In addition, the middle blooms have some honey bees feeding.

Likewise, the other blooms are providing a feed for the hoverflies.

Unfortunately, my fabulous dahlia does not appear to have a name. I imagine the label vanished or the writing faded away.

However, any single flowered, collarette or star variety of dahlia is fabulous for the pollinators.

One similar pink dahlia is Lou Farman. An exclusive from Sarah Raven.

Naturally, my three hundred and fifty dahlias will increase next year. And of course, the majority will be dahlias for pollinators.

Dahlia for butterflies

Red Admiral on my dahlia

Next, I thought I would add another photo of a red admiral. Such a beautiful butterfly. Luckily, this one was so interested in feeding, I was able to snap away up close.

Normally, the butterflies move onto another bloom if I creep too close but not this time. Clearly, the pollen and nectar bar was too tasty to worry about that Dahlia Queen with her iphone at the ready.

Scroll on for another close up later in this post. Told you, I took hundreds of snaps!

I shall be gazing at them all over the winter and looking forward to seeing this dahlia next year with all the happy pollinators.

In addition, looking at the photos is a boon to wellbeing. As is planning for more colourful dahlias too for next year.

Dahlia for the bees

Image shows my dahlia for pollinators with a bumble bee
My dahlia with a bumble bee

Next, we have a beautiful bumble bee having a feed.

As bumblebees only feed on flowers, they need far more plants than equivalent species which are able to also eat leaves or roots.

One fabulous reason we should grow as many dahlias for pollinators as we can.

Furthermore, growing dahlias like my beautiful pink featured in this post. A dahlia that gives flowers for months on end until the first frosts.

I am not sure I needed any excuses for expanding my dahlia collection but what a fantastic excuse this is anyway.

Another photo that was taken in late November, so the bumble bees were still able to get a feed. Well done fabulous pink dahlia.

The dahlia for pollinators in November

Image shows my dahlia with a red admiral butterfly in November
The dahlia in November

My next photo is another of the beautiful dahlia for pollinators in late November.

Amazingly, the red admiral butterflies are still visiting my garden.

The red admiral had a really good summer this year. Evidence gathered on this year’s Big Butterfly Count.

In fact, an increase of a whopping 338% on last year’s count.

Significantly, the most-seen species this year, with 248,077 recorded, which is the top spot on the count.

I recorded more red admirals in my garden than any other butterfly, in line with the UK results. A fantastic and heartwarming sight to see.

And moreover, the fantastic and heartwarming sight continues into late November. Furthermore, most sightings are on this fabulous pink dahlia. Wow.

Best dahlia with a peacock

Image shows my dahlia with a peacock butterfly
My beautiful dahlia with peacock butterfly

Next, I thought we ought to have a photo of my dahlia with a beautiful peacock. My absolute favourite butterfly, feeding on the bright pink dahlia.

One beautiful butterfly that visited my garden, and this pink dahlia often during the Big Butterfly Count.

In regard to the count, the numbers for this beauty were 149,179. Which was a fantastic 172% increase on last year but sadly an overall decline since the start of the counts (over 7% down). Still taking the sixth spot though so not too bad overall.

Moreover, my beautiful pink dahlia has been helping these butterflies with a steady supply of nectar.

I am so thrilled when these beautiful butterflies visit my garden. Their markings are so gorgeous, such a heartwarming sight to see.

In addition, it was great to still see a few in mid-November on my best dahlia for pollinators. Thank goodness this beautiful dahlia continues to bloom.

Fabulous dahlias

Image shows dahlia Waltzing Mathilda in November
Waltzing Mathilda with a hoverfly

Of course, there are many more dahlias that are great for pollinators so enjoy choosing your favourites.

My final photo is the fabulous Waltzing Mathilda. Another fantastic dahlia for pollinators. The above photo was taken in mid-November with a hoverfly having a feed.

So, grow some of the best dahlias for pollinators and enjoy a colourful garden, full of bees and butterflies, hoverflies and other beneficial creatures.

I mainly purchase dahlia tubers from Peter Nyssen and the tubers supplied have been of great quality and grew quickly into flowering plants.

Here are some of my earlier dahlias for pollinator posts, with several more beautiful dahlias.

10 beautiful dahlia flowers for pollinators

12 of the best dahlias for pollinators

Whatever you can do in your garden, the pollinators will be grateful and so will I.

I hope you have enjoyed his post on my best dahlia for pollinators.

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2 responses to “One beautiful dahlia for pollinators”

  1. I absolutely love the last two butterfly pics Red Admiral and Peacock😍 Needless to say I shall be joining you with an ever increasing list of dahlia tubers to order any day now hopefully🤞🏻

    • Thank you. I am pleased you like the butterfly photos. They loved that dahlia. Our dahlia lists are certainly growing by the day. So many beauties out there 😁

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