A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

How wonderful. A tulip in spring

Image shows tulips in my flower borders
Tulips in my garden 2023

I have been planting tulips in my garden for over 30 years and have always chosen the luscious dark varieties. Tulips such as Queen of Night, Havran and Continental. These are absolutely beautiful tulips, but after recovering from a stressful time during 2022, I fancied a change. I decided, therefore, in future I would have some brighter colours for my garden. Who can resist a tulip in spring!

I always think that after a long winter, looking forward to a colourful display of flowers can really lift our mood. Consequently, tulips really do fit the bill and demonstrate this perfectly.

Image shows orange tulips
Bright orange tulips

So many varieties of tulips

As a result, I chose many different varieties of tulip bulbs in so many colours and shapes for spring 2023. One example is the bright orange blooms seen above. I decided to plant most of the bulbs in pots. This would enable me to move them around. To display in the colour schemes that I thought looked best and complimented each variety.

Tulips flower at various times, depending on the variety, some are very early in March whilst others flower in April or May. You can therefore have blooms for several weeks if you select different types.

The double flowered varieties flower for longest. Consequently, these are invaluable for adding a long display of colour in your garden, your courtyard,or your balcony.

Image shows tulip Showcase. A lovely tulip for spring
Double tulips in a pot

Some of my new tulips

Image shows some tulips in containers
Purple, pink and white tulip varieties
Image shows some red tulips
Red tulip selection
Image shows some tulips
Bright tulip pot
Image shows some tulips
Bright and zingy tulips
Image shows some orange tulips
Bright orange tulips in the sunshine

The tulip in spring happiness expands

The Cosmos Queen and her tulips

My dear friend, the Cosmos Queen, who you may have met in some previous blogs: Greatest benefits of becoming a gardener and the amazing benefits of gardening also needed a pick me up. Her cosmos and dahlias were almost over in 2022 and ready to succumb to the first frosts. Also, she had retired and after looking forward to her retirement with her beloved husband, sadly, the world she thought they would share and the plans they had made were no longer possible.

I knew that as a budding new gardener, she would really miss her new hobby, gardening, over the winter. There is not much to do and the weather often is not all that lovely to entice anyone to spend a day outside. I always use the winter to plan my garden for the following year. For example, I choose the seeds and look for new bulbs I would like to try.

Despite being a gardener for over 30 years and having an unheated greenhouse to use in winter, starting my sweet peas, I also long for the spring and especially a tulip in spring. I do not much enjoy not being able to spend all day pottering around in my garden.

Here comes the Cosmos Queen

So, I mentioned, in a chat with the Cosmos Queen, my idea of buying some new colourful tulip bulbs of every colour and shape to plant in November. I would subsequently be ready for a colourful Spring in 2023. I suggested that she might like to do the same, as it is a way of looking forward to the spring. There are huge benefits in planning for a great display of bright colourful flowers after a dark winter.

Her favourite colour for any flower had been apricot but more recently, she had started to love all the colours a flower could be. She perked up and looked for the brightest tulip bulbs she could find to plant in pots in her garden. A rainbow of tulips was being planned.

April 2023 and some new tulips

Image shows some tulips
Some bright tulips planted by the Cosmos Queen

The Cosmos Queen sent over photos of her tulips as they started to bloom. Some colourful evidence of her endeavours. We had a chat, and her mood was incredibly happy and cheerful. This was all thanks to those bright zingy tulips.

A garden visit

With this in mind, she came to visit my garden, to see my tulips. She was soon scampering around my pots and borders. Consequently, she suddenly had a list of several more she absolutely must have for next year! Orca, Orange Princess, Showcase, several fringed varieties, some lily shaped, Orange Marmalade and on and on her list grew!

Here are some more of the Cosmos Queen’s new tulips

Image shows an orange tulip
Bright and zingy from the Cosmos Queen
Image shows tulips in containers
More beautiful tulip blooms
Image shows some orange tulips
More bright tulips from the Cosmos Queen

Heading for a bright, cheerful tulip in spring

Choosing your tulips

I believe that tulips are a great choice for bringing some happiness into our lives. Whether we are feeling down or not, we can all benefit from looking forward to some colour in the spring. Choosing the tulips we like, discussing the different varieties, shapes and colours with family and friends is a great idea. Get chatting about that tulip in spring.

Equally importantly, It opens up many conversations, bringing contact over shared interests, so many pluses here!

Next steps on the tulip in spring hunt

With this in mind, have a look around you for the different tulips you see in bloom. You could chat with your neighbours and friends and see which ones they grow and make a note of any varieties you love.

In addition, wander into your local parks and see their tulip in spring displays. As a result, you might well get some ideas for your garden or pots for next year.

In early autumn it is time to look at some bulb catalogues to see what you fancy and get your orders in.

Brightening up a dark variety of tulip

I studied the bulb catalogues, a real treat for me. I chose some bright colours to plant with my favourite darker sultry tulips. Two photos below of a couple of my new pots starting to bloom. I am really pleased with the results.

Image shows a tulip in spring called Slawa
Tulips slawa and black hero
Image shows some lily-flowered tulips
Tulips purple dream, claudia and ballerina

A few final thoughts

The conclusions of the Dahlia and Cosmos Queen, lover of tulips

To conclude, the fun we have had, discussing the varieties, the colours, the shapes. Moreover, we found tulips with the added bonus of a scent. Choosing our new tulip bulbs and laughing every time we spoke or met about our new craving for the tulip. In particular, we laughed about how we had changed. Previously, the Cosmos Queen was an apricot sort of girl, and I (the Dahlia Queen) was the one who always had the dark sultry blooms. As a result of our research, we have both become very colourful. Definitely still loving our original favourite colours, but adding so many more colours and shapes to our pots and borders for 2023.

Never too old to learn

We had both found out that some tulips are scented, such as Ballerina (a bright lily shaped orange bloom tulip for spring). Doesn’t this demonstrate, there is always something new to learn. I now have 150 Ballerina tulips which are starting to flower, and I cannot wait to photograph the results. Evidence of a colourful pot or three will make it onto another post but here is one for now.

Image shows Ballerina tulips
Ballerina tulips

A colourful future full of tulips

Image shows some double tulips
Some pale double tulips

Whatever tulips you love, make a note of the varieties, ready to order in the autumn. Plant them in November and look forward, over the dark and chilly winter, to a fabulous, colourful and cheerful display of beautiful tulips in the spring.

Furthermore, if you like the bright pinks, the oranges, the reds, and the yellows together, go for it! What is not to love about a rainbow of cheerful colours, however you decide to display them. Ultimately, It is your choice so grow whichever ones you love. As a result, you can bask in the beautiful display of blooms you create.

Wonderful really is a tulip in spring!

Let me know if you would like the varieties of any tulips shown in the photos if names have not been added. I will do my best to work out the varieties for you.

I purchase tulips from anywhere I see some for sale. I love the colour combinations in the catalogues too. All bulbs I have bought have been of high quality and have given me some fantastic blooms.

Also, Thompson and Morgan and J Parkers have a good selection of bulbs which have flowered well in my garden each year.

See link below for a couple of purchasing options.

Click here for Thompson and Morgan tulips

Click here for J Parkers tulip options

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