The jolly helpful beautiful cat
Gardening with companions can be really beneficial, both for your mood and to get some assistance where needed. In my case, it is my beautiful cat and my lovely rescue chickens.
Therefore, my beautiful and helpful cat, Remus Nautilus, ticks both of those boxes! Demonstrating Immensely helpful characteristics , as you will see.
In addition, he makes me laugh all day long. That’s a pretty great bonus!
For example, he will be helping in my greenhouse on a cold and rainy day. In particular, he is involved with every single task and process.
Usually, the watering cans are checked for fullness. Evidence that there is enough water, ready for damping down seed compost before seed sowing is vitally important.

Next, he is pictured guarding my tomato seedlings, demonstrating his helpfulness. Consequently, I can trust him to let me know when the seedlings become too large and need pricking out and potting on.
Whilst I prick out and pot on the seedlings, he gets to watch. I imagine he would call that supervision.
Next, I water the potted on seedlings. As a result, he inspects the watering can for fullness.
Additionally, he often completes a taste test on the water in the can.

More helpfulness from my beautiful cat
Next on his list, he’s in charge of keeping tabs on the gardening gloves and can be seen above, doing just that. Demonstrating, yet again, how incredibly helpful he can be.

There are so many companions we could have in the garden. Our cats, our dogs, our chickens, our family, our friends.
For example, who hasn’t smiled when gardening with an attentive robin in attendance. Equally important to the companionship, the robin gets some tasty worms from our excavated soil.
In addition, my beautiful chickens are also helpful gardening companions. See my post Companion planting with beautiful chickens for details.
Clearly, Remus Nautilus is a beautiful cat and a great companion, both in the garden and in the greenhouse. Naturally, he makes me laugh, and is clearly a fabulously helpful chap.
Evidence above, who wouldn’t laugh at the sight of Remus Nautilus sprawled on his back on the lawn? Obviously, he does like to show off and will hold his position whilst a photo or ten are taken!
Naturally, he was super helpful when I was planting the two hundred dahlias, potted up in Favolosa my greenhouse. Quite a lot of dahlias to be planted out!
And about those dahlias
I purchase a lot of dahlia tubers from Peter Nyssen and the tubers supplied have been of great quality and grew quickly into flowering plants.
Here is a link if you want to check out the hundreds they have.
Dahlia Tubers | Dahlia Bulbs | Peter Nyssen
My post Wonderful powers of a flower is the story of gardening for my own wellbeing and I have to say, Remus Nautilus was a fantastic companion during that time too.
He was rarely absent from my side, and followed me everywhere.
Some final thoughts

Remus Nautilus, my beautiful cat, came from a charity who rescue and rehome cats. I can thoroughly recommend contacting a rehoming centre if you would like a cat or two.
I have rehomed more than twenty cats and all have been loving companions.
First and foremost, they deserve a kind and loving home. Secondly, they are so affectionate and provide companionship.
And of course, some of them are super helpful in the garden!
The UK’s largest cat welfare charity is Cat’s Protection https://www.cats.org.uk/

Remus Nautilus has decided it is time to have a well deserved snooze. And where better than in a seed tray. Enjoy your snooze my helpful and beautiful cat.
Of course, he will return in future blogs. And below is one of them
The beautiful black cat who gardens for England
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6 responses to “Companion planting with a beautiful cat”
Sun bathing cat.🤣
Absolutely, sunbathing, showing off or both! 🤣
It’s so cute, though. 😸
Goodness, will try not to let him see your comment. He is becoming very big headed. Some friends told him that now he is becoming famous on this blog, he might get his own TV show. He’s all a swagger! 🤣🤣🤣🤣