A passionate gardener, helping you achieve harmony in your garden for wildlife and your own wellbeing.

A powerful gardening for wellbeing story

Image shows cosmos flowers in my garden and a photo used to illustrate gardening for wellbeing.
Cosmos flowers in my garden

Flower Power

The facts are well known that gardening can benefit the mind, body and soul and harnessing the power of gardening can improve our mental health and wellbeing. Read on for a gardening for wellbeing story.

In 2021, the RHS released research that revealed that people who garden every day have wellbeing scores 6.6% higher and stress levels 4.2% lower than people who don’t garden at all. Surveying more than 6000 people the research showed a significant association between gardening more frequently and improvements in wellbeing, perceived stress, and physical activity.

I have first-hand experience of how gardening can reduce stress and anxiety and one of my favourite topics of conversation is to spread the passion I have for gardening for the benefit of the wildlife we share our world with as well as the wellbeing of people.

Back in 2021 I was chatting with a dear friend, and we talked about the world and our concerns for planet earth and global warming. I am sure so many of us have these conversations.

We got talking about gardening, and how good it is to grow flowers for pollinators. We also discussed how growing flowers can really help everyone’s wellbeing as it certainly helped mine.

She mentioned that her lovely husband had been going through a horrid time in recent weeks and really needed a pick me up.

Whilst we chatted about all things garden related, she started wondering if he might like to grow something for their garden.

A photo I had shared earlier

Image shows cosmos in my garden
Cosmos in a mixed flower border

Cosmos comes to the rescue

I suggested some cosmos seeds as they are so easy to grow. They will flower for months, can be cut for the vase and most importantly, bees, butterflies and hoverflies love them. My friend mentioned this to her husband later that day. He decided, yes, I am getting out into the garden and a grin appeared. He speedily set to work on the plans he had made.

As a result, he made some fabulous raised beds and bought some cosmos seeds.

Here are some photos of their garden they shared with me during that summer. A fabulous display of colour and a splendid nectar bar for the lucky pollinators.

Image shows cosmos in a raised bed.
My friend’s new raised beds full of cosmos flowers
Image shows cosmos in a raised bed
My friend’s raised bed brimming with cosmos blooms.

The results of gardening for wellbeing

Their garden was crammed with colour

They had hundred’s of blooms all summer long and right up until the first frosts

As a result, the bees and butterflies were visiting in their droves

Additionally, they had some beautiful cut flowers for their home

My lovely friend’s talented husband now has a new name……

The Chief Gardener! is his new name. And he features in more of my blogs.

A few words for a sneak preview: Greenhouse, vegetables, fruit. The man is a gardener, he is The Chief Gardener.

And here are some updates on the happy Chief Gardener which I hope you will enjoy.

The Chief Gardener’s beautiful vegetables

The Chief Gardener grows a tasty fruit feast

The power of the flower really can work for the wellbeing of every one of us. Similarly, the pride we can have in sowing the seeds, growing the blooms, and knowing we are helping nature. It’s a win win as they say. Gardening for wellbeing in a heartwarming tale.

My post Wonderful powers of a flower gives my story.

The RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) has some useful information on wellbeing and mental health

My posts Greatest benefits of becoming a gardener and The amazing benefits of gardening and The awesome power of the garden feature more stories on gardening for wellbeing. And heartening tales they are too.

I hope that this story has inspired you to grow some flowers to brighten up your world and help the pollinators. Thank you

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